суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cloete breytenbach

Saw the History Boys on stage last night

In two words: FUCKING AMAZING.

And: If you are in Vancouver until the first week of November, go see it, go see it NOW.

The Arts Club on Granville Island wonapos;t actually let you choose seating when you book tickets online (bizarre), and since we were one of the first to book for yesterday night, we ended up front and centre, looking up at the actors whenever they had their narrative monologues at the edge of the stage. None of us were complaining. >:3

Granted a couple of the boys/men-acting-as-boys had wobbly Brit accents, but the chap who played Dakin is actually is a Geordie, so listening to him try to speak in a much posher English accent was equally as amusing as the Canadians sort of wibbling around their extended apos;aapos; vowels. XD The actor for Posner was especially weak with the accent, though he had a lovely singing voice ... And incredibly bony knees. They were proper sharp corners whenever he was sitting in his seat, for feckapos;s sakes.

Scripps in particular was quite special - the actor looked very scrubbed-up and perfectly embodied a rosy-cheeked boy enamoured (albeit with some amusement) with God, and tended to steal any scene where he spoke. I wanted to sort of tuck him away in a box and take him home.

I personally loved the selection of music from the time period - genius choices, and absolutely clever use thereof to play whilst the set pieces were moved and shifted around by the actors in the dim light (what a clever conceit), sometimes singing marching songs whilst doing so. XD The use of The Smiths classic apos;How Soon Is Nowapos; as the indicator of the final scene with Hector before intermission was gold, just for having that signature guitar chord and Morrissey mourning that famous line.

I shamefully admit to nearly tearing up at that point, but I needed a drink, so I didnapos;t.

Overall, the play was just wonderful: the actors for the boys had fantastic chemistry, especially during the incredibly camp scenes where they act out famous scenarios and have a go at each other: the best one being the entirely French act where Dakin enters a brothel and seeks out a prostitute (all the other boys), only to have it turn very quickly into a fake WWI drama once the headmaster catches them at it, trousers off. XD

Oh, and being front and centre, I got a great view of Dakin in his pants. A+.

I am now apparently working at another goth shop now, though this one is brilliantly more stimulating. Granted itapos;s the Halloween rush and the store is inevitably packed (as it is tiny), but the owner is just top class - incredibly creative, absolutely hysterical and awesome, and with a mind-boggling ability to remember everything told to her while juggling about customer demands at once. Insane.

a north west mountain police uniform, cloete breytenbach, cloete, cloests, cloestrol.

at a loss to

Hey guys[:
So iapos;m pretty new here at live journal; todayapos;s actually my first day here.
I think iapos;ll write here constantly from now on since I dont feel like writing on a piece of paper
:P. I just got home from my best friends birthday party, that was lots of fun;) everyone was there
I got her a scarf with a matching hat I will be posting up the pictures as soon as my frind sends them to me .
Halloween is coming up and I wanted to get ideas of what to paint my face.
I just got my costume witch is a gothic princess. If you have any Ides please message me or comment:D.


at a loss to, at a loss records, at a loss recordings, at a loss of words.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

engine mount vw

Virginia Democratic Sen. Jim Webb warmed up a crowd for Barack Obama in Roanoke, Va., today, asking in regard to John McCain's pick of a running mate, "Do you reall think Sarah Palin is the most qualified person in the Republican-" "Noooooooo," the audience drowned him out.

Then Webb said he was a fan of country music and was reminded of a country song, "I know what I was doing but what was I thinking?" Said Webb, "John McCain's probably singing that song right now."

The correct refrain of the song to which Webb appears to have been referring to goes, "I know what I was feeling/but what was I thinking?"

Unclear how far Webb was trying to carry the allusion. The song is about a guy who lustily runs off with a young beauty in "a little white tank top" knowing he will incur the wrath of her daddy and the local police.

engine mount vw, engine mounted air compressor, engine mounted air compressors, engine mounted trolling motor.

divx windows media center

One of the cornerstones of traditional naturopathic practice has been the understanding of the need for balance between acidity and alkalinity in the body.

And now there's some research from the duke university school of medicine that not only supports that theory but goes further into explaining the important role that potassium plays in our diets and in the risks of developing osteoporosis.

Our resident naturopath and educator david stelfox has been looking at that research and he joined Grant Cameron on 891 Drive

colonial williamsburg pa, divx windows media center, divx windows media codec, divx windows media player, divx windows media player 10.

beyonce and jayz relationship

For the next two weeks my entries are going to be poetry which has been inspired by Blakehellip; just as something a bit different. This week there are three, and I have two in the making for next week.

The first poem is based on the quote: ldquo;He who sees the Infinite in all things sees Godrdquo; from There Is No Natural Religion (pg 7).

I saw God today

I saw God today,
as I looked into the bright eyes
of a little child,
his joyous laughter
ringing through the air.

�I saw God today,
when I was sitting on the bus
watching a stranger
giving away his seat
to an elderly lady.

�I saw God today,
when I watched I shop assistant
help a distressed mother,
find her lost and scared child,
both forever grateful.

�I saw God today,
as I sat in the park
I observed a newly wed couple
in each others loving arms,
blissful smiles on their faces.

�I saw God today,
while observing a garden,
full of colour and life,
and two birds playing happily
together in the shrubs.

�I saw God today,
when I looked at myself
in the mirror,
God was smiling
back at me.

The next one is a very simple poem based on the idea of finding beauty in something simplehellip; it is about a Jacaranda tree (which is actually out the front of my house) and shows that there is more to it than being just a nice tree.�


Standing tall and wide
in the front garden.
Providing relief from the
scorching sun,
shading the whole lawn.
A purple sky above,
purple carpet beneath.
The small flowers, silky soft.
White milk spurts out
when the bottom is squeezed.
A slight breeze,
a gentle shower of violet.
Branches for climbing,
Easy to grip, easy to graze.
A home for birds,
new life.
Stretched out high above the world,
cool, fresh air,
leaves rustling,
flying free.

�The last one for this week is based on Blakersquo;s poem ldquo;On Anotherrsquo;s Sorrowrdquo; (which I have also called it) which is about feeling another persons pain.

On Anotherrsquo;s Sorrow

�I sit and watch,
Yoursquo;re sitting on the end
of the bed,
slumped over,
head in hands.
You look at me.
Your eyes are wet and bloodshot,
streaks of tears running down
your pale and blotchy face.
Liquid dripping from your nose.
Your sorrow is my sorrow.
The hurt in your eyes,
a knife piercing my heart.
I put my comforting arms
around you.
You squeeze me tight,
your sadness releasing through
your arms into me
til it overcomes me.
I kiss your wet cheek,
you attempt a smile,
which quickly fades.
You sink back into my arms
and never let go.
I feel your pain.

�That is all the Blake-inspired poetry for this weekhellip; therersquo;s more to come next week.

beyonce and jayz relationship, beyonce and jayz pictures, beyonce and jayz pics, beyonce and jayz photos.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

angel vs devil pictures

...you see where Iapos;m going with this? :o)
This is my official LAS VEGAS REVIEW.
Oh children, youapos;re in for a treat.

We left for Las Vegas on Saturday morning at 10 am. "We" meaning Adrian, Anh, Jebus, and Nazzy. We fit comfortably in Adrianapos;s momapos;s Suburban (aka The Tank) which she so generously donated for the weekend. It took us almost exactly 4 hours to get there, including a pit stop. It was a nice drive; I managed to stay awake until the last hour of the trip, right after the Nevada border, right before Vegas.
We stayed at the Luxor in a suite; it was pretty freakinapos; cool We met up with Kulsum, Bjorn, Brett (his friend), Tram, Nick (her boyfriend), JChan, Moksha and Sarah (JChanapos;s friends). Abdullah and Dean (Kulsumapos;s friends) met up with us later), and they and the two other guys had their own rooms. It was still a lot of people, and the place was littered with clothes, makeup, and alcohol (of course), but I was totally excited. The night before, they had gone to Tao and LAX and the girls had managed to get in the front of the line at LAX so we knew our chances for that night were really good. :o)
We got to the hotel and made a plan to go to the Paris hotel to eat at the buffet. OHHHH MY GOODNESS, I literally had never eaten so much in my entire life. My stomach almost exploded, and I felt sick for a while. So gluttonous, but sooo delicious at the same time (hey, I had to make it worth the $25). Right after that, we gambled a little bit and I went to the Le Petit Bar and bought one of those huge souvenir drinks cups; basically, it was 2 feet worth of a strawberry dacquiri in a container shaped like the Eiffel Tower. Sooo good and sooo cute. We walked around with those drinks for about four hours, just chillinapos; around the strip and taking in the sights. It was my first time in Vegas since I was 16 years old, and definitely my first time without my family. Nervous, but definitely excited
We got back to the hotel around 7, and started getting ready. Tram did mine and Kulsumapos;s make up; getting dressed and being girly was sooo much fun.


beard papa cream puff recipe, angel vs devil pictures, angel vs devil tattoo, angel vs devil tattoos, angel vs. devil tattoo.

clean city

lately iapos;ve been really boring. I havenapos;t been doing anything during the weekend or anything. I think im going through a depression or something, without the depression. Iapos;ve been distancing myself from my family for the past couple of weeks and i donapos;t know why. I just donapos;t feel like associating with them anymore. Hmmm. They barely ever see me, im always down in my room either on the computer or reading.

i started reading the twilight series and i finished the first one within 3 days and im on the second one and im almost done, i give it until friday at most and Iapos;ll be done. Their so addicting i donapos;t even have normal thoughts anymore, i think about vampires and all that. Its weird

on saturday i finally went out to a haunted corn maze with my friends Nell and Alexa and they brought their friend Brian. It was okay. It was really stupid but i was flipping out before we went in because i hate haunted things, i love horror movies i just hate people jumping out at me and trying to scare me. It was shaped as Obama and McCain which i thought was funny because the scary one was McCain i saw my friends from�my school from last year there, they were going into the same one and we walked with them throughout it. Pranav was jumping out at us and that was the only scary part except for this dude with a chainsaw hahaha. We went to perkins afterwards. These people were talking about us at the table next to us and they were starring at me and brian when we were talking and Alexa and Nell went to the bathroom. It was immature for old people and a 10 year old the table behind us were talking about us as well, it was very very immature. Whatever. They took me home afterwards.

i moved from my old scumy house to a beautiful HUGE house. I have the whole basement as my room and i have everything i need down here. I have my own comcast box, my computer, and my own bathroom its a big step compared to my closet sized bedroom last house. I even have my own enterance but its not like i sneak out theres no reason too, i can go anywhere and my mom doesnt care, she just makes sure its safe.

its spirit week at school. It started on friday with Blue and White day and a pep ralley. Boring and i was really sick so i couldnt show school spirit. We didnt have school on Monday thats why it started on friday. On tuesday it was twin day and i didnt have a twin so i just put jeans and a hoodie on because of couse there was gunna be someone with jeans and a hoodie on and i was right there was. It was also the scarecrow contest and bulletin board contest, the seniors won the scarecrow contest and the juniors (me) and the seniors tied for the bulleting board. Today was character day, i was audrey kitching and my friend Arielle was Hanna Beth as a joke. I looked more like hanna beth and she looked more like audrey kitching though. It was the trivia game and the seniors lost to the freshman hillarious. Tomorrow is country western day and the talent show and then friday is color day an were white and another pep ralley i think. Im not to sure.

welp im gunna go.

clean city, clean cities program, clean cities palm springs, clean cities of middle tennessee.

banshee vs mustang

Well, official as long as I pass the drug test and background tests.
So, knowing how much I do those things, Yeah, Iapos;m hired.

Dick Clarkapos;s Restaurant in Sky Harbour, terminal 3, 2pm - 1030pm.
I donapos;t know what position, probably grill or fry.
$9/hour, set schedule for 6 months, with either Tues/Wed off or Wed/Thurs.

The menu is pretty simple.
Nothing grandiose, just burgers and fried appetizers with occasional grill work.

bsi insurance, banshee vs mustang, banshee vs, banshee voodoo, banshee videos.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

e e seegmiller ltd.

# ahahahaha, wie geil is das denn?�

+ i stumbled over my internet cable
+ and it threw down a few things
+ when i wanted to roll with the chair infront of the mac book
+ there was this noise .... CRACK�CRACK�

+ i looked down and started laughing hahaha
+ i destroyed my braces :D�

+ i cant find my second one, this kinda sucks
+ cause i need to go to the orthodontist tomorrow
+ to rebuild them

+ riding was awesome, whoop whoop :D�
+ oh and ...
+ i should try to get a job there

... Cuiziner cest toi que je veux voir, que je veux voir ce soir, te faire ridiculiser par une fille qui rappe mieux que toi ...

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